Jun 26, 2019
Urethral Cancer affects the tissues in of the urethra, the tube that brings urine from the bladder to the outside of the body.
Men develop this cancer more often than women and it can spread quickly to other tissues around the urethra, including the lymph nodes before it’s detected and diagnosed. People over age 60...
Jun 19, 2019
Spinal Cancer effects the vertebrae of the spinal cord. The Cancer cells attack the membrane that forms between the bones and forms tumors that can lead to difficulty of walking,numbness,or even paralysis. In this episode Doctor Tom goes over some commonly asked question from listeners, and delves into what can cause...
Jun 12, 2019
Join Kate Jaramillo and Doctor Tom as they go over interesting topics like how diet trends begin, the power and importance of sleep, how to correctly treat pain and more. Some topics that are discussed include:
Jun 5, 2019
Oral cancer, also called Mouth Cancer or Oral Cavity Cancer is found on the tissue parts that make up the mouth. It’s commonly seen on the tongue, cheek lining, roof or floor of the mouth, gums, or lips. Doctor Tom answers questions regarding Oral Cancer including: